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Sonatype Lifecycle

"A better way to SCA"

Sonatype's Licecycle is an Open Source Software Supply Chain management platform to help identify and manage the 3rd party libraries within applications.

Solution:Sonatype Lifecycle
FocusSoftware Composition Analysis (SCA)
CoverageOver 14 languages
Scan OutputSBOMs, CVEs, Licenses, Remediation Guidance

Modern applications consist of over 85% open source software. The Sonatype Platform aims not only to identify which open source components are in use, but also identify their security and license risks, and determine the best path for remediation. All of this is powered by the largest proprietary CVE database and highest accuracy for identification in the market.

Projects Onboarded to the FINOS Sonatype Lifecycle Platform:


  1. Contact to get onboarded onto the Sonatype platform.
  • Get user login.
  • Create organization and application.
  1. Determine what kind of app you want to scan (
  2. Add the GitHub Actions plugin to your pipelines (
  3. Configure any other desired integrations (
  4. Start evaluating results and remediating!

A few best practices

Details on the best way to scan your applications can be determined with the Sonatype team who can help guide your implementation.

More best practices can be found here:

Scanning Mill / Coursier Projects

When scanning an app being built by Mill and using Coursier as the cache, make sure to get the cache and copy it to a temporary directory so that the binary scan can identify the artifacts (the default configuration is to omit scanning the cache).

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Cache scala dependencies
uses: coursier/cache-action@v6

- name: Get OUT cache
uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
path: out/
key: ${{ runner.os }}-*

- name: Copy Cache for SCA Scan
run: |
mkdir depCache/ #Create local copy of cache for Sonatype Scanner
cp -r /home/runner/.cache/coursier/ depCache/

- name: Sonatype Lifecycle SCA Scan

Scanning Paket / .NET Projects

When scanning Paket or .NET projects the CycloneDX dotnet plugin can help build out the dependency tree. Also the Windows CLI from the Sonatype downloads page can be used for scanning on Windows VMs (current official plugin only supports Linux VMs). Implementation example:

- name: Resolve Paket Dependencies
run: |
dotnet tool install --global Paket
dotnet tool restore
paket install
.\build.cmd DotnetRestore

- name: Create CycloneDX SBOM (transitive mapping)
run: |
dotnet tool install --global CycloneDX
dotnet restore
copy build/build.fsproj SonatypeSCA.csproj
echo $env:SBOM_Path
dotnet CycloneDX SonatypeSCA.csproj -o packages/

- name: Download and Scan with Sonatype Lifecycle CLI
if: always()
run: |
curl --location >
tar -xf
.\nexus-iq-cli.exe -s ${{ env.SonatypeUrl }} -a ${{ secrets.SONATYPE_USER }}:${{ secrets.SONATYPE_PASSWORD }} -t ${{ env.SonatypeStage }} ${{ env.ExcludeDirectory }} -r sonatype-results.json -i ${{ env.SonatypeAppId }} ${{ env.SonatypeScanTarget }}

- name: Upload Sonatype Scan Results
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ${{ env.SonatypeAppId }} Sonatype Scan Results
path: sonatype-results.json